Monday, July 15, 2013

A Letter from My 31 Year Old Self to My 17 Year Old Self...

I recently read through my journals in which I wrote daily from January 1, 1999 to May-ish 2000.  I turned 17 and 18 during these months and documented much of my Junior & Senior years in high school.  I'm not all that disappointed with the teenager I was...albeit a bit dramatic, immature, and self-absorbed.  However, there are a few things I'd like to say to myself now that I have had the luxury of 14 years life experience, including but not limited to: college, marriage, career, bills, and childbearing/child-rearing.

Dearest Kristen/Me,

You seem like you have your head on pretty straight for a teenager.  However, with the life experience I have now acquired, there's a few things I think you need to hear.

For the Love, Make Up Your Mind
So, who is it that you have a crush on today?  Jason, Gray, Taylor, Michael, Mark, Dave, Joseph, Adam?  Names have not been changed to protect identities. Nor is this list comprehensive.  Basically, at one point in time, you probably have had a crush on every male that attends the same high school as you.  Perhaps it's for a week, a day, or perhaps only one History period because - oh my gosh - he said the funniest thing.
I get's fun to have crushes.  But, are you very nice to these guys once you got one on the line?  Are you driving your friends crazy by talking incessantly about the boy du jour?  Search your heart.  And stop being so dramatic.

You Are NOT Fat
May 3, 1999 - "Gosh, I feel like such a FATSO!  No two-piece for me this summer, that's for sure."  Seriously?!  You are 5'5" and weigh 115 pounds.  I want to kick you in your flat, non-stretch-marked stomach right now.  Nobody feels bad for you.  Put on a bikini.

You Are Too Hard on Yourself
What AREN'T you beating yourself up about?  Here's a list of things that cause regular self-chastisement: Not practicing piano, not studying enough, not working hard enough on a homework assignment, not praying/reading Bible enough, not being able to manage a romantic relationship, not being shiny/happy every single day, etc.  It's great to want to work hard and be the best at whatever you do, but, seriously...give yourself a break. 
Here are some truths from your future that might help you let go a bit: 1) You won't touch a piano after you graduate.  2) You'll become a real estate agent.  Did you know you don't even have to go to college to be one of those?  3) Contrary to what you think your church espouses, you're still a Christian even without the daily devotional.  4) Correct.  You cannot manage a romantic relationship.  You're 17.  5) Go ahead and get on an anti-depressant now.  That would be better than waiting until first semester of college.

Your Walk with the Lord is Awe-Inspiring
This is not sarcastic in the least.  You LOVE Jesus...and you are surrounded by people who love Jesus and encourage your spiritual walk.  You voluntarily go to prayer meetings at friend's houses on the weekends, you seek God's guidance constantly, you strive to be more like Jesus and crave close relationship with Him, you have mentors and deep Christ-centered conversations.  I wish I prioritized my relationship with God half as much now as you currently do. 
Sept. 28, 1999 - "My heart is breaking for people who don't feel His presence or that don't want to - I want to look on them with compassion and understanding, and I want them to be AMAZED by God's great & mighty mercy." 
Keep it up.  I have learned something from you in this regard.  And continue to strive for less of yourself and more of Him...even when adult life's numerous responsibilities threaten to get in the way. 

You're a Good Friend...But Could Probably be a Better Daughter
You put your friends first...which is what you absolutely should do in high school.  You go to wrestling matches with your friend because she has a crush on a wrestler.  You hang out with a variety of people all the time and learn from them.  You're not judgemental of your friends.  Any problems you have with your friends, you face head-on (or through passing notes) rather than immaturely writing them off for life.  In fact, many of your current friends will remain your closest friends 14 years later.
But you should give your parents a break now and then.  Now that I know them as an adult, I realize that they're pretty fun, hilarious people.  Maybe they are "annoying" all the time because you are so emotional and hard to live with...just a thought. 

You've always been really good about knowing when you're living in the good times and, in turn, cherishing those moments.  May 29, 1999 - "I don't want to grow up - I love high school and being a teenager;"  Oct 8, 1999 - Today was what memories are all about..." 
Live it up.  Because before you know it, you'll be an adult...and you'd probably forget what these days were like if you hadn't documented them so well.  Hopefully, your kids will thank you for that one day.

'Til then,

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The 7 Stages of Pregnancy with Twins (Stages 5-7)

Finally, to finish my thoughts...

This stage really coincides with stage 4 because the whole time I'm anxious about and questioning this life of being a "twin mom," I'm feeling pretty darn guilty about not considering this whole anomaly a blessing.  When I was pregnant with Dakota, I never felt this way.  I was excited the whole time and cried near the end of my pregnancy because I just couldn't wait another second to meet her and hold her.  So, this time around, what was it?  The fact that I wasn't getting exactly what I had envisioned?  Was it because our financial situation had changed?  Did I just now have a better idea of how hard it is to have a newborn and raise a child?  Probably all of these things.
Some people made me feel guilty for not being more excited - but, more often, I was met with understanding words from numerous friends who listened to me drone on and on and grapple with this impending life change.  Because of my hesitation to be super-duper excited about twins, I felt that if anything went wrong in my pregnancy, it would most definitely be my fault.

I'm happy to say that I've moved into this stage and am actually closing in on Stage 7.  I'm extremely task-oriented, so as things get checked off my 9-month list of things-to-do (i.e. trading in my car, figuring out a budget, re-homing our extremely hyper Weimaraner, putting together the nursery, potty-training Dakota, etc.), I start to feel more ready for this.  I'm letting go of my former life plan to which I held so tightly.  While out to dinner a few months ago, I said to a friend, "Well, I guess God thinks I can handle this," to which she replied, "No, God knows He can handle it."  And it started to click.  I seem to have forgotten my foundation in faith through all this.  Clearly, our family has a different calling, and I'm now open to embracing that and being thankful for it.     
Regardless of my endless ridiculous insecurities about it, I most certainly will love these children as much as I love my daughter...and having that depth of love will change me.  I now truly believe these babies will teach me more than I ever thought I had to learn about what it means to be "Mom."  Furthermore, let's face it, they're going to be cute, hilarious, smart, and fantastic.  And a few months from now, I'm not going to be able to picture life without my three children.   



This is what I have believed to be the natural final stage in twin pregnancy.  And, as I am now 8 months pregnant, I'm pretty sure I was right.  I've not only accepted my fate of being a mother of three, I'm feeling pretty calm and happy about it most days.  Part of it may be that I'm so uncomfortable that I'm ready to not feel like I'm carrying a medicine ball around my waist.  But the other part is that I've allowed myself the time to go through all previous stages.  I would hate to go through all this mental anguish POST-births!  It's not to say that I won't regress every so often to any of the aforementioned stages, but I'm on the up and up.  Yes, these babies are going to rock our world.  But....they're also going to rock.

Friday, November 30, 2012

The 7 Stages of Pregnancy with Twins (Stage 4)

Now, as I was saying...

Fear quickly gives way to anxiety...and anxiety, when it festers long enough, gives way to depression.  Call it pregnancy hormones or call it just my natural state of being prone to such emotions, but this phase was the worst and lasted through my entire 2nd trimester and then some (and, honestly, still rears its ugly head from time to time).  My anxiety involves a lot of ruminating/obsessing, a lot of list-writing to make sense of my world and attempt to regain control, and many sleepless nights.

I was anxious about all the normal things you would imagine.  

Newborn stuff.  Now that I am a mother, I know how hard having a newborn is.  I remember with great clarity saying to Jared DAILY in our first several weeks as parents, "How do people do this with multiples?!"  I guess this is God's way of being funny.  So, naturally, I was (and still am) anxious about the hard work, sleepless nights, scheduling, etc.

Money, money, money.  We'll have no choice but to live off one income for at least 6 months before we can get it together enough for me to go back to part-time work.  How's health insurance going to look with a family of 5?  How much do we budget monthly for baby essentials, like diapers, wipes, formula (since I'll be both breast-feeding and formula feeding so I don't go insane)?  What will we do about our cars?  And...down the road...3 college savings funds?  3 kids to provide for?  A family of 5 eating out and/or going on vacation?  Life just got a lot more pricey.

Recovery.  I will have a C-section.  Which means no trips up and down the stairs, no driving, no picking up 2 babies at once (or Dakota, for that matter), etc.  I have wrinkles in my brain and forehead trying to figure out the logistics of taking care of 3 children, myself, and my home without compromising my health.  I have friends and family who are PUMPED about helping, don't get me wrong.  I just hate not being able to do things for myself or feel in control of my household.  Hmmm...control seems to be a real issue in my life.

But then, there are the things I excessively worried about that maybe you wouldn't imagine.

Can I love these babies as much as I love Dakota?  I have a friend who, when she was pregnant with her second child 4 years ago, told me she was terrified that she wasn't going to love this child as much as she loved her first.  I acted like I understood, but really I was thinking, "That is the craziest thing I've ever heard."  I wasn't a parent.  I didn't understand that kind of love....yet.  Now I do, and I get it.  I freakin' love my daughter more than life itself and even cry about loving her so much.  The love is unmatched by any.  All I could keep thinking was that I was sacrificing my special bond with Dakota and would now have to split my attention amongst 3 children.  I couldn't yet picture these new babies having faces & personalities...all I felt when I thought about them was hard work.  And all my undivided Dakota attention (at the park, library, museums, cuddling watching movies, breakfast dates, etc.) would now have to put aside for diapering, feeding, and calming two screaming babies...because, for some reason, I just picture there being constant crying.  And not just from the babies. 

Am I mom enough to do this?  I do not want to turn into one of those frazzled, screaming, unkempt mothers who bit off more than they can chew in the kid department.  You all know that see her at Target or the grocery store.  She's either yelling at their kids or straight-up ignoring their insane behavoir.  It's like she's just given up on being a normal, functioning human.  You judge her.  So do I.  Is my patience going to fly out the window?  Will I wear yoga pants every day for a year?  Will I ever blow dry my hair or apply eyeliner again?

So, when my anxiety lasts long enough, I start to get mopey and sad because I can't stop thinking.  This leads to my infamous kitchen moment several weeks ago when, unable to open a block of Cracker Barrel cheese, I ended up hurling the cheese block into the kitchen and crumpling into a sobbing mess.  Luckily, my husband was there to pick up the pieces...and remind me for the millionth time to "Just stop giving a crap."  How nice to be able to live like that.  His "pregnancy stages" would be much different from mine: 1) "Shock" - 1 day; 2) "Fear" - 2 or 3 hours; 3) "Let's not give a crap and let's just do this" - the rest of pregnancy.

I'm happy to say that I am now sleeping and have more or less moved past stage 4.  This post is becoming self-indulgently long, so I shall continue with stages 5-7 this weekend.  'Til then.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The 7 Stages of Pregnancy with Twins (Stages 1-3)

Reader's Note: I haven't blogged in awhile...okay, 2 1/2 years.  When I originally created this blog, it was going to be a coming-of-age story of a newly-pregnant woman who just got fired from her cushy real estate job and had to seek out a new career path and learn how to be a mom at the same time.  Didn't happen.  The next plan was that it was going to be centered around trying to juggle my duties as a wife, new mommy, and full-time employee in a new industry.  That also didn't happen.  So now, I'm going to attempt to take my friends and family on a journey of being pregnant with and living with TWINS.  I hope I find the time to make this attempt pan out!

We've all heard of the 5 stages of grief.  I have now crafted my own, completely non-researched "7 Stages of Pregnancy with Twins" based on my experience thus far:

One of the main questions I get when I tell people I'm having twins is, "Oh my gosh!  What did you do when you found out?!"  In a word, I freaked.  I found out when I went in for an 8-week ultrasound (without my husband, might I add).  My mom babysat Dakota while I went to the appointment.  Before I left - I kid you not - I semi-jokingly said, "Mom, if it's twins, you can have one."  As soon as the ultrasound wand apparatus (whatever it's called) was in place, 2 distinct dark spots/babies appeared on the screen, and the tech exclaimed, "Oh my goodness, you're having twins!" 

"WHAT?!?  WHAT?!?  WHAT?!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!  WHAT?!" was really all I could keep saying over and over.  There was a lot of laughing, a lot of spontaneous crying, and a lot of all-over body shaking.  I could barely focus as she took measurements and recorded heartbeat rates.  As I left the office, I called Jared at work.  "Hey babe.  Everything went well.  The baby has a good heartbeat and looks healthy...(pause)...and so does its twin."  I had a headache for 3 days after this.  I truly believe it was my brain trying to process this staggering turn of events.


Really the only thing more fun than telling people you are pregnant is that you are pregnant with TWINS.  It's like, "First I'm going to tell you that I'm pregnant.  Then, I'm going to one-up myself and tell you that there are TWO of them!"  So, while the whole idea of two newborns at once is terrifying and scary and all those other synonyms for horrifying, you put that aside because it still doesn't feel real.  It just feels like really good gossip.

Okay, now everyone knows the news...friends and family are pumped...people are excited, jumping up and down in many cases.  Now, absolute fear sets in.  OMG, how is this pregnancy going to go?  Am I going to even be able to breathe in the 3rd trimester?  What will I do if I go on bedrest - who will take care of Dakota?  How is this financially going to work?  Where am I going to get 2 of everything?  What if I have preemies?  What if they don't develop properly?  How am I going to survive pregnancy, much less survive their first year?  How do people DO THIS?

To Be Continued...
Stages 4-7 will be explored tomorrow...little preview: the stages get much, much worse before they get better.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Oh, the Sacrifices

My daughter has given me so much joy since that wonderful day she was born 5 months ago. However, last night, she robbed me of one very simple joy - watching the series finale of "Lost," my most favorite show.

The evening started out splendidly. We had had a busy day of activities, so Dakota was tired earlier than usual. Prior to 7:30pm, our scheduled starting time of the "Lost" 6-hour extravaganza, I made sure Dakota was fed, bathed, and PJ-ed. We quietly watched the first 1/2 hour of the 2-hour retrospective. At around 8pm, Dakota looked wiped out, so I took her to her nursery, put her in her "magical" swing, and she was asleep in minutes. We watched the next hour of the "Retrospective" in blissful baby-is-down-for-the-night silence. I figured that when the festivities ended at 11:30pm, I'd expertly move her from swing to crib and ease off into my own satisfying slumber of having finished watching the entire epic that is "Lost."

Everything fell apart at 9pm; coincidentally, that is when the season finale of "Lost" was to begin. Awesome. For the next 3 1/2 hours, Dakota screamed and cried with varying intensities and resisted all modes of comfort (i.e. rocking, nursing, swinging, playing, etc.) until I sacrificed my own needs (not wants, people, NEEDS) for the sake of the greater good. The greater good in that now my mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and husband could enjoy the finale in all its glorious wonder (and silence).

I fought back tears as I stared into the screaming face of this adorable devil baby. Why, of all nights, dear Dakota, do you pick this one to stay awake? Why do you hate me? Did you ever love me at all?

You may be thinking to yourself, "So, what is the big deal? You have it on DVR." I'll tell you what the big deal is. I now cannot listen to nor take part in the morning-after chatter. I freaking LOVE morning-after chatter. Every radio station on my way to work had people talking about the finale. I felt like I was in one of those romantic comedies where the guy gets dumped and then only hears love songs on every radio station. Not to mention that I have had to avoid facebook and all people who like Lost at work. It's just not right. I should be an active participant in these discussions - instead, if I hear the word "Lost," I have to run away plugging my ears and making humming sounds.

So, with that said, I now realize more than ever that my life is not my own. As I furiously flipped the radio stations on the way to work this morning, I found a song that I love to think about Dakota when I hear. It's "Spending all my Time" by Aaron Fresh:

Spending all my time lovin' you, all my time lovin' you
I need a few more seconds in my day
Spending all my time lovin' you, all my time lovin' you
Every minute's running away
From when i wake up to when i lay down
All I got is you, baby, on my brain
Spending all my time lovin' you, all my time lovin' you
25 hours in my day

I love my daughter.

Hopefully one day she'll learn how to show her love to me - by being quiet for just a few hours while I watch TV.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Week in Photos: Finding Beauty in the Mundane

I have been told by some people that they would like me to write on this blog more frequently. I thought once a year was pretty good, but apparently that doesn't quite suffice in the blogging world. So, as self-indulgent as it may seem (or be), I decided to capture an entire week of my life on my iPhone as a memory of where I am in my life right now. I hope you enjoy a glimpse into my little world.

MONDAY - March 29, 2010

A "To Do" list starts out every week (rarely does any of it get done)

An uncommon middle-of-the-night wakeup from Dakota (red light on the monitor indicates baby noise)

Can't go back to sleep - need a snack

What a surprise - Jared is still up at this ridiculous time of night

Another wakeup - this time at 6:30 am - poopy diaper (doesn't she look a little guilty?)

Hi, I hate Monday mornings

Hi, I still hate Monday mornings, but I'm going to put on my work face.

Jared still asleep

Dakota still asleep

All the crap I have to lug to work everyday: lunch, breast pump, purse, breast milk cooler

Rainy Monday morning drive

This is where I work

"You can't find our office? It's right behind the white water tower. You don't know what a water tower is? can I explain this?"

My work world

My calendar of appointments. The blue "NS" indicates an appointment that didn't show up. Yeah, there's kind of a lot.

There is always so much crap to eat around here.

A little breakfast, a little email

My self-made "pumping room"

The first of many phone calls home to talk to Jared and check on Dakota - I have the phone headset on.

My work bud - Jemonte "Pitbull" Battle

Another work friend - Kristina Oriolo, soon to be Kristina Clark (that won't get confusing at the office)

My lunch

Eating lunch with Elizabeth, aka "Lizard" (yeah, we all have nicknames)

Post work: Meeting Stella Cox for the first time (6 days old!)

Jared made a delicious pasta dish to share with the now parents of two!

Chris Cox getting his Texas Toast on - my favorite

The ladies and our babies - destined to be BFFs

Adorable Maddy Cox enjoying some dinner with us big kids

Oh man, haven't had Little Debbies in years! I ate those up!

Stella Cox - naked and confused.

Dakota in bed before 10 - amazing...but still talking herself to sleep.

TUESDAY - March 30, 2010

Really, Dakota? Again? Is this going to be a new thing?

The morning ritual of washing all the breast pump pieces

Anyone else think it's weird that my floss was made in Ireland? Maybe it's just me.

AM diaper change/feeding

One of those Durham Freeway traffic jams to which I've become accustomed

The first face that greets me daily at AiRD - Rose Roberson (she's British)

The 3 times I will pump today and, underneath, the goals I will try to hit today and most certainly probably won't

Chart of our student goals for the April class - I'm "Collie Clark" but I also answer to "Baby Mama"

Lunch with Kristina

Alicia on the crosswords, I on the "Real Simple"

Meeting at the school

Christy (Lil Preggo) & Tara

"Light the Night" fundraiser meeting

Yeah, I'll sign up.

(Jared texted me this picture in the middle of the day - love it!)

Leaving work 26 minutes past quitting time?! My appointment was talking my ear off!

Yay! Home to my 2 favorite people!

Jared sipping a Coke and doing graphic design stuff

UNC NIT game on tonight - Dakota dressed appropriately

Packing up to go see Papa and Gi-Gi Clark

Oh course I had to text this adorable photo to my parents in Charlotte!

Joy Clark - ready to feed the troops!

Jerry Clark - happiest holding his granddaughter

Gi-Gi entertaining Dakota before dinner

Uncle Bird Boy


A girl after my own heart - loves watching TV


Dakota was pretty tired and feel asleep on the ride home from Pittsboro - couldn't even hold her head up!

To Bed

WEDNESDAY - March 31, 2010

This is more like it for waking up (welllll, there was a 5 AM feeding and 7:30 AM diaper change in there)

My Happy Place: Wednesday and Thursday mornings with Dakota and Jared (I don't go into work until 11 AM on these days) - best part of the morning

Lovin' on some coffee

Roxie taking a morning trot

5th floor parking today - definitely taking the elevator

Signing in for work

Remnants of Kathryn's Ai baby shower

About to take a "Motivational Sunshine Walk" with Elizabeth, Jeanine, and Justin (among others)

Walking the American Tobacco Campus

Love this campus

Pretty river through the ATC

Starting to feel motivated...

So, a walk in high heels may not have been the best choice
Yay! Lunch with Jared & Dakota

Dakota with Kara

Most popular girl in the office

Mmmmm...leftover lasagna and a beautiful day

2 of my favorite things: Dakota and Coke

A visit from Jared's Graphic Design peer, Julio

It's not a week in my life if something hasn't been spilled

Working until 8pm = Chick-Fil-A for dinner

Finishing watching "Lost" - you can almost never watch a television show in one sitting with a 3 month old


Love the nighttime ritual

THURSDAY - April 1, 2010

8AM - I think she's awake! Don't be fooled, she was up at 4:30 AM, too.

Hanging out in bed with Daddy while I get ready for work

Morning duties - feeding a hungry Mischa

A little news, a little dog, a little baby

Reading the mail at stop lights. Yay! Baby shower invite for Melinda!

Dakota gets way better mail than Jared and I do

Candy to start the day right

My computerized work "To Do" list - aka Action List

Orientation Day! Spring classes start Monday!

Getting our students signed in

Waiting with Kara & Big Cat to be called back to Orientation after the Dean's speech

Kathryn & Yvette manning the Admissions Room

Too many darn trips back and forth from the Admissions building to the school - time to go shoeless for the second time this week

I made this for Elizabeth to motivate her during the April class start

(Today's really Justin's 29th birthday...but there needed to be an April Fools joke in there)

The late night crew - working until 8pm with Deena, Alicia, and Ashley

A little UNC basketball before bed

Hanging with my favoritest baby

FRIDAY - April 2, 2010

Well, I guess it's a growth spurt? This is the first time since she was 6 weeks old that she's been waking me up at night

I have to be at work at 9 and I'm getting up right now - oops

Don't worry about this cutie - she ate AGAIN at 6:45 AM

Downtown Durham (yes, it's Good Friday and, yes, I have to work)

Bieber on my HD-2 station - really this picture is for Jay so that he believes me that this is a real song

Yay! Lunch with Wicker

Thanks for driving, Elizabeth. Me and downtown Durham do not mix

A snazzy little lunch place...

...and a snazzy little menu

A break on a Friday afternoon makes me super happy

A visit from Julio's adorable son, Malachi

Yessssss - home, finally.

Date night with Jared

I love me some Mexican food

This is for you, Matt

Having some floor play time

Jared & Dakota dancing to "American Idol," which I'm finally getting around to watching 3 days later

The best contestant "American Idol" has ever seen. Right, Summer?!

SATURDAY - April 3, 2010

Definitely a growth spurt

Getting packed for Charlotte - we will be there all of 24 hours

Jared driving me to work (yes, it's Saturday, and, yes, I'm going to work)

Just 4 more hours until the weekend truly begins

A beautiful day on the ATC

Off to Charlotte! (In the wrong direction) - Jared was furious until we got turned around

Now we're moving in the right direction

Jared - incapable of making a normal face in a photo

A healthy lunch

Pit stop to change drool-bucket's clothes

At home in Charlotte: Yummmm...Mom making crab cakes. You haven't had a crab cake until you've had a Phyllis crab cake

Jen holding Dakota right before she spit up all over herself (Dakota, not Jen)

A naked baby is sometimes happier than a clothed baby

Uncle Beardy and Aunt Jen

Crab cakes and potato casserole - the best

Naked baby even funnier in a bouncy seat

Definitely the most popular person in the family

Fingers crossed that Duke will lose (but they didn't)

Blake coming to take Jared out on a man date

Bath time with Mia

Roxie bedding down

Right at home in her Charlotte crib

SUNDAY - April 4. 2010 (Easter)

Handsome Jared and Dakota in their Easter Sunday best

Dad teaching his Sunday School class

Dakota in her Easter outfit

Hi, Mom

Chillin' during Easter service

Jared & Jen - hanging at church

Matt & Jen

OMG - Jen's guacamole dip is the best food in the world

Mom preparing another gourmet meal

Dad cooking everything to perfection on the grill

Love this backyard

Oh man, these are definitely happening later

Steak, baked potatoes, rolls, oh my!

Time to relax before heading home

Nap time for Dakota.....that sounds like a good idea I'm going to take one, too.


A little traffic on the way home - not as bad as we feared though

Picking up some chicken fingers from Applebee's on the way home

Our hillbilly neighbor's stupid truck that doesn't fit in their driveway. It drives me crazy.

Gi Gi and Papa getting a little Easter face-time with Dakota

Uncle Bird Boy taking his turn with Dakota

My To Do List at the end of the week - now you can see how much actually got done. I think 2 things got crossed off.

So, that about does it. Each week is pretty much like this, give or take. Now I will attempt to keep up blogging a little better, promise.