MONDAY - March 29, 2010
A "To Do" list starts out every week (rarely does any of it get done)
An uncommon middle-of-the-night wakeup from Dakota (red light on the monitor indicates baby noise)
Can't go back to sleep - need a snack
What a surprise - Jared is still up at this ridiculous time of night
Another wakeup - this time at 6:30 am - poopy diaper (doesn't she look a little guilty?)
Hi, I hate Monday mornings
Hi, I still hate Monday mornings, but I'm going to put on my work face.
Jared still asleep
Dakota still asleep
All the crap I have to lug to work everyday: lunch, breast pump, purse, breast milk cooler
Rainy Monday morning drive
This is where I work
"You can't find our office? It's right behind the white water tower. You don't know what a water tower is? can I explain this?"
My work world
My calendar of appointments. The blue "NS" indicates an appointment that didn't show up. Yeah, there's kind of a lot.
There is always so much crap to eat around here.
A little breakfast, a little email
My self-made "pumping room"
The first of many phone calls home to talk to Jared and check on Dakota - I have the phone headset on.
My work bud - Jemonte "Pitbull" Battle
Another work friend - Kristina Oriolo, soon to be Kristina Clark (that won't get confusing at the office)
My lunch
Eating lunch with Elizabeth, aka "Lizard" (yeah, we all have nicknames)
Post work: Meeting Stella Cox for the first time (6 days old!)
Jared made a delicious pasta dish to share with the now parents of two!
Chris Cox getting his Texas Toast on - my favorite
The ladies and our babies - destined to be BFFs
Adorable Maddy Cox enjoying some dinner with us big kids
Oh man, haven't had Little Debbies in years! I ate those up!
Stella Cox - naked and confused.
Dakota in bed before 10 - amazing...but still talking herself to sleep.
TUESDAY - March 30, 2010
Really, Dakota? Again? Is this going to be a new thing?
The morning ritual of washing all the breast pump pieces
Anyone else think it's weird that my floss was made in Ireland? Maybe it's just me.
AM diaper change/feeding
One of those Durham Freeway traffic jams to which I've become accustomed
The first face that greets me daily at AiRD - Rose Roberson (she's British)
The 3 times I will pump today and, underneath, the goals I will try to hit today and most certainly probably won't
Chart of our student goals for the April class - I'm "Collie Clark" but I also answer to "Baby Mama"
Lunch with Kristina
Alicia on the crosswords, I on the "Real Simple"
Meeting at the school
Christy (Lil Preggo) & Tara
"Light the Night" fundraiser meeting
Yeah, I'll sign up.
(Jared texted me this picture in the middle of the day - love it!)
Leaving work 26 minutes past quitting time?! My appointment was talking my ear off!
Yay! Home to my 2 favorite people!
Jared sipping a Coke and doing graphic design stuff
UNC NIT game on tonight - Dakota dressed appropriately
Packing up to go see Papa and Gi-Gi Clark
Oh course I had to text this adorable photo to my parents in Charlotte!
Joy Clark - ready to feed the troops!
Jerry Clark - happiest holding his granddaughter
Gi-Gi entertaining Dakota before dinner
Uncle Bird Boy
A girl after my own heart - loves watching TV
Dakota was pretty tired and feel asleep on the ride home from Pittsboro - couldn't even hold her head up!
WEDNESDAY - March 31, 2010
This is more like it for waking up (welllll, there was a 5 AM feeding and 7:30 AM diaper change in there)
My Happy Place: Wednesday and Thursday mornings with Dakota and Jared (I don't go into work until 11 AM on these days) - best part of the morning
Lovin' on some coffee
Roxie taking a morning trot
5th floor parking today - definitely taking the elevator
Signing in for work
Remnants of Kathryn's Ai baby shower
About to take a "Motivational Sunshine Walk" with Elizabeth, Jeanine, and Justin (among others)
Walking the American Tobacco Campus
Love this campus
Pretty river through the ATC
Starting to feel motivated...
So, a walk in high heels may not have been the best choice
Yay! Lunch with Jared & Dakota
Dakota with Kara
Most popular girl in the office
Mmmmm...leftover lasagna and a beautiful day
2 of my favorite things: Dakota and Coke
A visit from Jared's Graphic Design peer, Julio
It's not a week in my life if something hasn't been spilled
Working until 8pm = Chick-Fil-A for dinner
Finishing watching "Lost" - you can almost never watch a television show in one sitting with a 3 month old
Love the nighttime ritual
THURSDAY - April 1, 2010
8AM - I think she's awake! Don't be fooled, she was up at 4:30 AM, too.
Hanging out in bed with Daddy while I get ready for work
Morning duties - feeding a hungry Mischa
A little news, a little dog, a little baby
Reading the mail at stop lights. Yay! Baby shower invite for Melinda!
Dakota gets way better mail than Jared and I do
Candy to start the day right
My computerized work "To Do" list - aka Action List
Orientation Day! Spring classes start Monday!
Getting our students signed in
Waiting with Kara & Big Cat to be called back to Orientation after the Dean's speech
Kathryn & Yvette manning the Admissions Room
Too many darn trips back and forth from the Admissions building to the school - time to go shoeless for the second time this week
I made this for Elizabeth to motivate her during the April class start
(Today's really Justin's 29th birthday...but there needed to be an April Fools joke in there)
The late night crew - working until 8pm with Deena, Alicia, and Ashley
A little UNC basketball before bed
Hanging with my favoritest baby
FRIDAY - April 2, 2010
Well, I guess it's a growth spurt? This is the first time since she was 6 weeks old that she's been waking me up at night
I have to be at work at 9 and I'm getting up right now - oops
Don't worry about this cutie - she ate AGAIN at 6:45 AM
Downtown Durham (yes, it's Good Friday and, yes, I have to work)
Bieber on my HD-2 station - really this picture is for Jay so that he believes me that this is a real song
Yay! Lunch with Wicker
Thanks for driving, Elizabeth. Me and downtown Durham do not mix
A snazzy little lunch place...
...and a snazzy little menu
A break on a Friday afternoon makes me super happy
A visit from Julio's adorable son, Malachi
Yessssss - home, finally.
Date night with Jared
I love me some Mexican food
This is for you, Matt
Having some floor play time
Jared & Dakota dancing to "American Idol," which I'm finally getting around to watching 3 days later
The best contestant "American Idol" has ever seen. Right, Summer?!
SATURDAY - April 3, 2010
Definitely a growth spurt
Getting packed for Charlotte - we will be there all of 24 hours
Jared driving me to work (yes, it's Saturday, and, yes, I'm going to work)
Just 4 more hours until the weekend truly begins
A beautiful day on the ATC
Off to Charlotte! (In the wrong direction) - Jared was furious until we got turned around
Now we're moving in the right direction
Jared - incapable of making a normal face in a photo
A healthy lunch
Pit stop to change drool-bucket's clothes
At home in Charlotte: Yummmm...Mom making crab cakes. You haven't had a crab cake until you've had a Phyllis crab cake
Jen holding Dakota right before she spit up all over herself (Dakota, not Jen)
A naked baby is sometimes happier than a clothed baby
Uncle Beardy and Aunt Jen
Crab cakes and potato casserole - the best
Naked baby even funnier in a bouncy seat
Definitely the most popular person in the family
Fingers crossed that Duke will lose (but they didn't)
Blake coming to take Jared out on a man date
Bath time with Mia
Roxie bedding down
Right at home in her Charlotte crib
SUNDAY - April 4. 2010 (Easter)
SUNDAY - April 4. 2010 (Easter)
Handsome Jared and Dakota in their Easter Sunday best
Dad teaching his Sunday School class
Dakota in her Easter outfit
Hi, Mom
Chillin' during Easter service
Jared & Jen - hanging at church
Matt & Jen
OMG - Jen's guacamole dip is the best food in the world
Mom preparing another gourmet meal
Dad cooking everything to perfection on the grill
Love this backyard
Oh man, these are definitely happening later
Steak, baked potatoes, rolls, oh my!
Time to relax before heading home
Nap time for Dakota.....that sounds like a good idea I'm going to take one, too.